
We are here to help

if you have a question, feature suggestion or need help, please email:

Common Queries

How should I refer to my beneficiaries within Impactasaurus?

If you have a system which stores beneficiary information (e.g. CRM), the beneficiary's ID within that system should also be used in Impactasaurus.

If you don't have such a system, look for other ways you can assign IDs to your beneficiaries. As an example, many charities keep a spreadsheet with beneficiary information, the row number could be used as the beneficiary ID. Avoid using personal information which could be used to identify the individual, for example phone numbers, postcodes or names.

Can I add more users to my account?

Yes, you can add as many users to your organisation as you would like. To invite others, head to the users tab within the settings page. Here you can generate an invite link which should be given to anyone you would like to join your Impactasaurus.

Can I white label / brand Impactasaurus?

Yes, you can apply your organisation's logo and color scheme to Impactasaurus. Please contact support to set this up.

Can I restrict what a user can do?

All users within your organisation have the same permissions. This decision was made to keep the software simple and easy to use.

If you would like some control over user permissions, please drop us an email. If there is enough demand, we will consider adding this functionality.

Can I export my data?

Impactasaurus offers a range of export functionality within the application. You can export all the data associated with a questionnaire, an individual beneficiary or the data used in a report. When viewing a graph, look for a download icon in the control panel. To export data for a particular questionnaire, head to the settings > data page.

How do I import my historic data?

Due to the variety of data formats, we do not support this within the application currently. If you have a lot of data which needs importing, please email a sample of the data. We are happy to do one off imports from any data format as long as the data is compatible with Impactasaurus.

How can I delete a beneficiary?

To delete a beneficiary, delete all their saved records. If you have many beneficiaries to remove or they have a lot of records, drop us an email.

How do I add or edit tags across many records?

Currently the app allows tags to be edited for one record at a time. It can be time consuming to make sweeping changes to your tags. We are working on making this easier within the app, but until then, please email and explain how you would like your tags adjusted.

I tried to reset my password but never received an email

Please try checking your junk email, the password reset email often finds its way there. If the email isn't in your junk, please contact us, we would be happy to reset your password and explore why the email wasn't reaching you.